- Siltac EC should be applied when the first colonies of pests appear. If necessary, repeat the treatment after 5-7 days or later, when new colonies appear.
Due to the specificity of the preparation's action, the treatment should be carried out carefully, covering all places where pests feed with the working liquid. For spider mites, it is important to spray the upper and lower sides of the leaves.
Siltac EC works only in intervention - when it is applied directly to feeding pests. It has no preventive properties. For this reason, the preparation is not used prophylactically, i.e. before the appearance of pests.
Due to the physical mode of action, it does not select breeds of pests resistant to the preparation.
It can be used every year, many times a season without fear of loss of effectiveness. In the case of frequent use of the preparation, between the third and fourth treatment, an interval of at least 2 weeks should be maintained.
Application range and recommended concentrations
Fruit trees and shrubs
aphids, spider mites, cup larvae, limiting the number of honeysuckles
Recommended concentration:
0.15% (150 ml of the preparation in 100 l of water)
Recommended amount of water:
500 - 750 l / ha
Application restrictions:
Apple tree - in some cases and on some varieties, the preparation, used during the growing and maturation of apples, may cause spots on the fruit peel.
Plants in the flowering phase - in some species it may damage flower petals.
Eliminating wintering forms of the fruiting spider mite in the apple tree SILTAC EC very effectively eliminates the fruiting spider mite in early spring treatments. The treatment should be performed in the hatching phase of the larvae from hibernating eggs - preferably in the green bud phase until the beginning of the pink bud phase.
aphids, spider mites, reducing the number of thrips and greenhouse whitefly
Recommended concentration:
0.15% (150 ml of the preparation in 100 l of water)
The amount of working liquid
The amount of working liquid for the treatment should be selected depending on the size of the plants so as to ensure their thorough coverage with the preparation.
Application restrictions:
Tomato - in some varieties it can damage leaf blades.
Plants in the flowering phase - in some species it may damage flower petals.
Ornamental plants
aphids, spider mites, cup larvae, limiting the number of thrips and greenhouse whitefly
Recommended concentration:
0.1% - 0.15% (100 - 150 ml of the preparation in 100 l of water)
The amount of working liquid
The amount of working liquid for the treatment should be selected depending on the size of the plants so as to ensure their thorough coverage with the preparation.
To reduce the risk of damage to ornamental plants sensitive to SILTAC EC-the preparation can be used in a reduced concentration (0.1% - 0.12%) and, if necessary, repeat the treatment 1-2 times, every 7-10 days.
Application restrictions:
Thuja (Thuja) - on some varieties it may cause minor damage to the scales.
Plants in the flowering phase - in some species it may damage flower petals.
In the case of other plants - Before using the preparation, mock tests are necessary in order to exclude phytotoxicity.
Winter and spring cereals
Recommended concentration:
0.15% (150 ml of the preparation in 100 l of water)
Recommended amount of water:
200 l / ha
With a very high intensity of aphids, the concentration of the preparation can be increased to 0.2%.